8 de marzo de 2010

Documentos para la Gestion de Registros con SharePoint 2010

Microsoft Libero recientemente una serie de planillas que nos ayudan en la gestion y planificacion del manejo de registros con SharePoint 2010 :

1 - All Terms Sets Worksheet and Term Set Details Worksheet (2 Managed Metadata Planning Worksheetsfor SharePoint 2010) Descargar

2 - Use the Record Categories Worksheet with the Create a file plan to manage records article to help plan your SharePoint Server 2010 deployment Descargar

3 - Use this worksheet to help plan how you will manage physical records in SharePoint Server 2010. Descargar

4 - Use the In-Place Records Planning worksheet with the TechNet article Designing for in-place records management (SharePoint Server 2010) Descargar

Esta serie de documentos seguramente se va a ir incrementando, todos los dias tenemos mas y mas materiales para SharePoint 2010… proximamente tendremos el Release Final, asi que hay que ir preparandose.

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