Un interesante articulo fue publicado por GARTNER donde nos comentan como el Laboratorio Pfizer, utiliza SharePoint como solucion de Content Management para mas de 40.000 Usuarios.
Pfizer now has more than 41,000 active SharePoint users with 1,000 top-level, cross business unit sites and 7,000 total active team sites. It also supports secure external collaboration sites accessible to authorized non-Pfizer employees. SharePoint is installed in four data centers and supports 11 Pfizer divisions and 122 departments. By design, approximately 42% of team sites are open to all Pfizer employees, rather than just a select group and over 25% of the current team sites have members that span departments and geographic locations. This has fostered information sharing and collaboration within Pfizer.
El Articulo Original lo pueden encontrar en : http://mediaproducts.gartner.com/reprints/microsoft/vol6/article8/article8.html
Realmente un articulo muy completo y que sirve de guia a grandes organizaciones y consolida aun mas la posicion de SharePoint en este aspecto.
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