Como vimos en el articulo anterior, MooTools nos deja un monton de fuentes de inspiracion para adaptar a SharePoint, en este caso les dejo una serie de Plugins que seguro podremos usar y mejoraran mucho nuesta forma de usar SharePoint si los adaptamos.
Scroll smoothly through anchors within a single page.
A full-fledged image cropping/resizing/rotating plugin.
A widget bar that manages a wide variety of social bookmarking and social network content sharing systems.
MooTools Event Calendar
A MooTools Calendar class that supports week/day/month view and the addition of events.
It creates a container div that allows users to scroll through a containing image. Its intended use case if to horizontally scroll through a panorama image.
A Slider plugin that supports both vertical and horizontal bars that can be freely dragged or snap to predefined steps.
Sort and filter tables.
A data visualisation plugin that explores the possibilities of the canvas element.
A Mouse gesture framework that allow you to trigger an event based on a predefined mouse gesture.
An inline editor plugin that makes all elements with a specified class name editable and adds a special onSave hook method to save the changes.
Image Menu
A horizontal menu that reveals more of the image as you rollover it.
Sexy sliding JavaScript side bar menu
Generates a sliding sidebar menu.
A full-fledged image slider that resembles cover flow.
Simple 3D Carousel
A 3d carousel.
Allows you to include fancy transitions in CSS based hover menus.
Layout and Style
A color picker utility.
Rounded Corners
Creates round corners on divs on the fly.
Generate image reflections on the fly with a wide range of customisation options.
A class that allows you to dynamically organise content into multiple columns.
A MooTools class that allows the customisation of how the scrollbar looks on scrollable divs.
Window Growl
Tooltips in the same style as the Mac OS X’s Growl system.
A tooltip showdown.
Toolstips that can have html or plain text content loaded with Ajax or inline.
Form Usability
This plugin allows you to define a groups of validation rules to be applied to forms.
Features simple to create date pickers.
A simple form validation plugin.
JavaScript Time Picker
A time picker plugin. It uses the same idea as the date picker pattern, but applied to time picking.
Completely customised multiple select elements.
HTML Form Tips
Inspired by Twitter, it features a “remaining characters” count that’s automatically updates as the user types.
Select Box Factory v1.0
A class that makes select elements support multiple selection and selection drill down according to a variety of options.
Slideshow 2
Slideshow plugin, resembles the slideshow in iPhoto and Photos in Mac OS X and iPhone respectively.
SmoothGallery 2.0
A simple and elegant slideshow plugin.
Fancy upload
A plugin that integrates Ajax and the Swiff functionality in MooTools to create an upload manager.
MooTabs - Tiny tab class for MooTools
A small plugin that helps in the creation of tabbed navigation through elements that can be retrieved via ajax.
Ajax login form
A very simple ajax-based login form.
Page Loader
Provides classes to work with loading content via ajax and displaying results in the current page. It also provides a history class that manages the history of the loading area.
MooTools Dotter
A simple and effective Ajax-loading indicator that relies solely on JavaScript and CSS instead of using images or animated GIFs.
Content Overlay
A port of the Lightbox plugin that handles a collection of images in a overlay.
Content overlaying that works with several different media types.
Image overlaying plugin. Simple and elegant.
An overlaying plugin that supports images, flash, video, mp3s and html.
It packs a banner or image slider with an overlay image display effect that resembles Lightbox.
mooSlide 3.2
Shows an overlay window at the bottom or at the top of the page with a variety of options.
Plugin Collections
A collection of plugins that provides special effects, table management and more.
Clientcide Plugins
A large collections of plugins from the Clientcide blog.
A collection of widgets written on top of MooTools, from datagrids, to calendars to JsonRPC.
Rich user interfaces
Mocha UI
A rich user interface library, it makes web applications look and behave like desktop applications.
A library for rich client user interfaces.
File Manager
A complete implementation of a file system explorer that let’s you navigate through the files, rename and preview them.
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