11 de febrero de 2009

Best Codeplex Proyects (02/2009)

Codeplex es una fuente inagotable de talentos y excelentes proyectos, en mi tour por las novedades me encontre con VARIOS proyectos que no pueden dejar de probar, muchas soluciones, mejoras a webparts, utilidades que siempre son interesantes para implementar en nuestros proyectos, por eso aqui les dejo una lista de los que mas me llamaron la atencion actualizados desde principios de 2009.

1 - SharePoint List Asociation Manager
SharePoint List Association Manager (SLAM) allows you to define relationships (one to one, one to many, many to many) between SharePoint lists or Content Types and then leverage those relationships in webparts or custom field types using familiar and straight forward SQL Queries.

2 - SharePoint Learning Kit (Version del 5 de Febrero)
The SharePoint Learning Kit is a community-source eLearning tool that integrates with Learning Gateway. Rich content is supported with full SCORM 2004 compliance and basic functions are supported for any electronic document.

3 - Charting for SharePoint

Charting for SharePoint is a set of powerful features allowing you to enhance your WSS or MOSS portal with advanced and exciting charts. Plug it to your SharePoint list or your Web services and make your SharePoint portal finally meaningful to your management team!

4 - SharePoint DIGIDOC Integration (Firmas Digitales!)
This is a Sharepoint Services v 3.0 project that integrates a digital signature document format ( DigiDoc, see http://www.sk.ee/pages.php/020305010101 )The project consists of two Features including document libary event handler, custom pages for performing digital signature operations, and a custom IFilter implementation ( C++ ) to provide full-text search for the given file format.There is also a site-wide customization of document library context menus and some other generally useful pieces of code for WSS 3.0The packaging format is WSS 3.0 introduced Sharepoint Solution in form of a WSP file.

5 - SharePoint Poll WebPart (Encuestas Personalizadas en SharePoint!!)
SPUserPoll provides your SharePoint environment with a set of web parts to allow your end users to create simple polls. It does this without the hassle of the standard SharePoint surveys which is not intended to create a simple 1 question poll.

6 - SharePoint SUSHI (Nueva Version) Recomendada
SharePoint SUSHI is a powerful, user-friendly utility enabling you to accomplish common administrative tasks. You can think of SUSHI as a Swiss army knife for SharePoint.SUSHI = SharePoint Utility with a Smart, Helpful Interface

7 - STSADM Remote! (Muy util para Administradores)
This tool will allow you to remotely execute "stsadm" commands against a SharePoint environment. No need to log onto the SharePoint server (or one of the server that is part of the farm) in order to run administration commands : everything can be done from your workstation.

Y esto es todo por el momento, como podran ver, hay muy buenas herramientas, espero les sean de utilidad.

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