6 de octubre de 2008

Cursos de SharePoint

A pedido especial, y aqui quiero saludar a mis amigos del Poder Judicial de Bolivia (en Sucre) con quienes iniciamos un proyecto sumamente interesante la semana pasada, les dejo los vínculos de unos 17 cursos de SharePoint On Line.

SharePoint Server 2007 Courses (17 cursos)

Share Excel data with others by exporting it to a SharePoint site Length: 30 min
SharePoint document libraries I: Introduction to sharing files Length: 30 min
SharePoint document libraries II: All about checkout Length: 30 min
SharePoint document libraries III: Work with version history Length: 30 min
SharePoint document libraries IV: Tips and tricks Length: 30 min
SharePoint document libraries V: How to download a library Length: 30 min
SharePoint slide libraries I: Set up a library for your team Length: 40 min
SharePoint slide libraries II: Use slides in the library Length: 40 min
SharePoint calendars I: Make the most of your team calendar Length: 20 min<
SharePoint calendars II: Connect a SharePoint calendar to Outlook Length: 20 min
SharePoint calendars III: Create your own calendar Length: 20 min
SharePoint calendars IV: Tips and tricks Length: 20 min
Workflows I: Basics you should know Length: 30 min
Workflows II: Collect feedback for a file Length: 30 min
Workflows III: Collect digital signatures for a file Length: 30 min
Workflows IV: Include someone outside your company Length: 40 min
Workflows V: Handy tips for tasks Length: 30 min

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